Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and
fall, But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; They will soar
on wings like eagles, They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not
grow faith.
Psalm 51:10-12
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me. Do not case me away from Your presence And do not take Your
Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me
with a willing spirit.
It had been a busy and exciting year prior, but our family
was in need of renewal and this word was put on our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
My husband and I both felt immense peace with the decision to focus on Renewal
for our family. We took a small step back from ministry for an eight month
period, and put a strong focus on deepening our marriage, on raising our
children intentionally in the Lord and setting some healthy and God honoring
routines in our home. We had things planned out and were excited. Little did we
know what was ahead...
Fast forward to the birth of our son Jacob on February 11th.
We were overjoyed to welcome another little boy into our family. He was so
sweet and was a timely gift to our whole family. Jacob was our first
home birth baby and it was such a blessing to be able to hold him in my
own bed with my husband at my side just minutes after he was born. My mom was with
us that morning to welcome our little boy into the world and also helped
with our older two children, my dad came by bringing Advil and Starbucks
and was over the moon about meeting his third grandchild. Jacob was born
on a Saturday and I spent the next 48 hours in bed (midwife’s orders), I simply
let my body recover from birth and held our sweet boy almost nonstop. My
amazing husband cooked and brought all my meals to me in bed. I felt so spoiled
and loved, despite all the afterbirth hormones which caused a few tears of
both joy and exhaustion. This was nothing in comparison to what I was
going to face next.
It was Monday February 13th at 6:30pm, I came down
stairs for the first time since Jacob was born, sat on the couch next to Isaac,
Abigail and Peter. We had a lovely little meal, all was well in my world. It
was time for bedtime stories, the first as a family of 5. They went over and
grabbed the book Corduroy (one of my favorites as a kids). I got to page two
and my phone buzzed on the table and I realized I had missed three phone calls
from my mom. Peter also had a missed call on his phone. I text her and said,
"Is everything okay?" Immediately I got another call picked up
and I remember my mom saying "Are you sitting down right now?" I knew
by the sound of her trembling voice that something wasn't right...."Dad's
plane is missing" she cried...She said, "I just got a call from Mount
Royal, it's been missing since 5:00pm and that's all they know". At
that moment, my world forever changed. My heart sank, tears flowed down my face
and I was completely panicked. Peter ran both kids upstairs to bed and I bent
over and began to pace...I didn't know what to do with myself. Was he dead or
alive? Peter came back down quickly and tried to calm me saying "He's
probably okay, on the side of the road somewhere, people survive small plane
crashes all the time". I knew in my heart this was not good, but all I could
do was pray, it's all I had to hold on to when my world was out of control. Peter and I prayed through tears with all we had that my dad was alive, that he was
protected, that wherever he was he was not afraid, we prayed for grace, for
peace and that his plane would be found quickly. We prayed for my mom as she
awaited the news, and we prayed for my brother.
You see, my dad was an experienced pilot of 35 years,
retired from commercial flying and now was working as an instructor,
giving his time to those pursuing a career as a pilot. How was this possible....
how could this be? Was two days ago when he hugged me in bed telling me how
proud he was of me, kissing his grandson for the first and last time, and walking out of my room really the
last time I would ever see his face again? Was it the last time I would smell
him, have him kiss me on the cheek and hear his voice tell me he loved me? This
just couldn't be...I was in shock.
After many phone calls back and forth waiting with such
anticipation two hours passed, which felt more like an eternity. Somehow the
news seemed to know more than we did, we were frantically waiting for
answers, checking the news for any word of what was going on and whether my dad
was okay. We heard STARS air ambulance had been sent out and we hoped this
meant good news, but that evening around 9:00pm I was on the phone and heard
the shrieks of my mother. My brother came on and told me the police were
walking up the driveway.... that was it, right then and there we knew my dad
had died. He was forever gone. No chance for goodbyes, no chance for one more
"I love you". Forever changed, my heart was broken and I was completed overwhelmed.
Do I still believe in the goodness of God when my situation
isn't good? I sing praises every week at church about the faithfulness and
goodness of when my faith is tested and life gets hard will I still
sing "Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders? Take me deeper
than my feet could ever wander" "You're a good good father, it's who
you are, it's who you are" and many more worship songs that we all sing. It's so easy to
blame God when bad things in life happen, and then when good things happen
forget to praise or thank him. But my heart knows and is able to rest in God's
faithfulness and goodness even though this flat out sucks.
I do not understand why this happened, I do not know why my
dad had to die in a plane crash, I flat out don't have answers...but none of
these "whys" and "I don't knows" change who God is. They
don't change his love for me, his faithfulness, his goodness, and they sure
don't change the hope that I have in Him. My God is mighty to save, and
although I desperately wish my prayers for my dad’s life that Peter and I
prayed from the depths of our hearts were answered with my Dad living, I
do not question his goodness.
For this world is not our home, we are just passing through.
Our home is in heaven and one day I will see my dad again. On Christ the solid
rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. In light of eternity this will
be but a blink, a momentary suffering. I try and remind myself of that,
especially on the hard days when I'm really missing my dad. He is at peace,
perfect peace in the presence of the Lord. faith
has been renewed no doubt. It's been tested, put to the fire, and my heart has
been overwhelmed. My continued prayer for this year is "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher
than I. For your ways are above my ways O Lord and your thoughts are above my
thoughts. I will continue to trust you through this storm, knowing that I do
not walk alone, you are faithful and you've always been, worthy of my trust and
praise, even in my darkest days. Lead me Lord when I cannot see, take my hand
and lead me through, you are always good my God, my solid rock, my eternal
ground. My hiding place, my precious peace, my strength in weakness, my
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