As I begin this post on Abortion I want to make it clear that my heart in this is love. Love for the innocent babies who are being killed, love for the woman who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are stuck in fear, and love for the woman who have chosen to have an abortion and face the emotional heartache of it for the rest of their lives.
I know this subject is a very touchy one and I'm not writing this to convince you or start a debate, but I'm writing this because I want to be known for taking a stance for those who cannot take a stance for themselves. For fighting for life and for the things that break the heart of God.
Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."
Is life defined by how big or small you are? Is life defined by how many weeks you've been alive? What defines life? Is a human being not made of 46 chromosomes? A sperm and an egg each have 23 chromosomes and when conception happens you now have 46 chromosomes, a human being who begins to grow.
For those of you who know me, or don't know me, just over two years ago I was faced with an unplanned pregnancy. I know the fear, I know the shame, I know the scare first hand. I've had my thoughts of abortion, I've had my thoughts of "What do I do?". But I also knew that inside my womb, even at 5 weeks was a child, a human being, a baby who deserved life and rights just as much as I deserve life. Despite my own circumstance it was no longer just my body, it was two of us, two humans.
I don't understand how I can read in the news that people are making petitions to see 4th trimester abortion legalized. Truly, what has this world come to? When did we lose the significance and importance of life? When did it become okay to kill? I know that I am only one person and I cannot change the world or change abortion on my own, but I have heard the saying that what you wish you could do for the world, do for one. And I wish this was something that I could stop. That I could reach out to the hands of woman in fear who believe they have no other option, when truthfully they do. That I could be a voice for the innocent children who have no voice to speak their rights. That I could hold the woman who have had abortions and now secretly, quietly mourn the loss of what could have been?
I know I am only one, but with the voice I have, I will not be silent. I will take the stance, I will fight the fight.
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