Saturday, June 15, 2013

No One Higher

Sometimes there aren't words to describe how you may feel. Sometimes life will throw you curve balls and you won't know what to say or do. Sometimes people disappoint you and this life leaves you uncertain.

Tonight as I opened my bible I was reminded that we don't always need answers or even words to speak. "The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." Romans 8:26  I was also comforted by the pure truth the Word of God provides, especially in a world where often the truth isn't spoken and honesty is limited. "Teach me your way, O Lord, That I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." Psalm 86:11.

The last thing that I was reminded of tonight was probably one of the most important things I've been learning this year. I'll openly admit I'm not very good at putting it into practice but I am very much trying: When I feel down, confused, upset, or am battling something and I have no answers or words the greatest thing I can do is simply praise Jesus. Often when we linger in our sorrow, confusion or frustration we let satan have a foothold in our lives. I am by no means saying that it's a bad thing to be sad or upset, I'm just saying when that's all we can see or we let it totally consume us we get into trouble. I want to give Jesus all the glory and praise through every storm and in every day.

So just maybe you, whoever you are reading this, can be reminded like me that sometimes all we can do is Praise Jesus. I recently heard this song called "No One Higher" and it really resonated with me and helped me to refocus. I'll post the lyrics below and attach a link. No matter what you're going through in life may you always find the time to stop and worship the Most High God! With love and prayers, Maryse.            


No One Higher 

Our Father, Creator
You hold our hearts together 
There's no one higher than you
Redeemer, Defender
Our great and mighty Saviour
There's no one higher than you 

You are always with us
Gracious to forgive us 
By your power we've been set free

And Lord we stand amazed in your presence
Astounded by your mercy and love 
Our hands are lifted high in surrender
Your grace for me is always enough
And there is no one higher than our God
There is no one greater than You
Let my life forever praise
The glory of your name 
There is no one higher than you 

Majestic in wonder
You reign with love forever 
There's no one higher than you
Your beauty, Your splendor
Your glory knows no measure 
There's no one higher than you

There is no one higher, no one greater, no one like our God
There is none more able, Christ our Savior, Great and Glorious. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Trust in Trials

It's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of becoming a family of four. This past year has been an incredible time of laughter, joy, and growth. Children truly are a gift from the Lord. I know speaking for both Peter and I we can't imagine our lives without Isaac. He lights up our every day, one smile from him can put everything into perspective. I've loved this past year as a family of three.

Last week I was put back on a partial bed rest with our second baby. I am truly grateful that I am not in the hospital this pregnancy and that I'm able to be home every night in the same bed as my husband and still able to kiss my sweet Isaac to bed. This in itself is worth the hardship of being off my feet and feeling quite useless/helpless at times. 

Today as I sat on the couch I put my hand on my stomach and just felt my baby move inside me. What a miracle babies and childbirth are. I know that so soon I'll be holding this second child in my arms.

Right now it's time for me to put my complete trust in the Creator's hands. After all, he created the heavens and the earth and all that's in it. Surely he holds my child in his hands as well and his timing will be perfect.