Sunday, February 24, 2013

Isaacs First Time At The Zoo

Today Peter and I took Isaac to the Calgary Zoo for the first time! It was so great to spend family time and Isaac had lots of giggles for the animals! We look forward to many other trips to the Zoo. But enjoy some photos below!! 

Miracles DO happen


I recognize it has been far too long since my last post. It's already February...I am constantly amazed at how the time passes so quickly and with Christmas, New Years, and a new school year starting for me it's been a bit busy. I won't go into detail of how wonderful all those things were as I wanted to write about something a little more on the serious side.

Honestly since the new year things have gone by so fast for our family. Peter was back to work in full force after his holidays, I was heading back to university twice a week and starting up teaching again, and also coping with the symptoms of 1st trimester pregnancy. Yes....I'm expecting AGAIN!!!!!

Peter and I are so excited that baby number two is already on the way. Honestly I feel SO blessed to be able to carry another child in my womb and that God has entrusted me with another precious gift. I wanted to write about something that is such a confirmation in our lives right now and that I've felt very strongly on my heart.

For those of you who don't know 3 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Meaning my hormones were off and I had multiple cysts on my ovaries. I literally remember the day my doctor told me it was highly unlikely I'd ever be able to have children, or in the least part that it would be very difficult. I remember going home and crying and crying and crying. Being a mother was something I always wanted so deeply in my heart, I felt crushed, breathless. But as you know and can see Peter and I were blessed with our miracle baby Isaac Michael last year, and here we are again expecting our second in another 5 months.

I've had people tell me "You're only 21 years old, already married, one child, and another on the way....what about being young and enjoying these years? You're missing out...." Honestly I look at the them and with a genuine smile and heart I can say "I wouldn't change ANYTHING for the world". God has truly blessed me and I am eternally grateful for an amazing husband, a beautiful son, and another child on the way. I believe that God knows all things and all things work together for his purposes for those who love him. I love the Lord with all I am, and I think he knew that with my PCOS that having children for me had to be done at this young age. A part of me wonders if he knew that when I was 30 or older I wouldn't be able to have children, and that is why he has given me these gifts now. This revelation in my life has made me that much more appreciative and that much more confident in the things that are happening right now. Yes, finishing nursing will take a couple more years, but in the big picture what does that matter? At the end of the day everything comes down to love, and I can lay my head to rest and say with a Spirit of peace "Thank You Jesus for your perfect timing, for your plan, and for your blessings".

How is it possible that all I was told is that something couldn't happen? Yet, it did happen for me. The only answer I can come up with is to look above to the one who makes the impossible possible.

Miracles do happen. 
Isaac is living proof of that, and so is this beautiful baby growing inside me.