Saturday, September 29, 2012

Time and Change

         A Time for Everything 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
Ecclesiastes 3:1 

I've been thinking a lot this fall about change. About how every day of our lives things change, people change, circumstances change, our cities change, our churches change, our world changes. 

Of course, some of this change is positive and good, but other parts of change are not so good. 

Change: to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc of (something) different from what it is or from what is would be if left alone. 

Since our world is constantly changing I find it incredibly difficult to remember one of the most important things I believe a Christian needs to know...God never changes. He stays the same through anything and everything. God doesn't get stronger or weaker. His knowledge and wisdom won't increase or diminish. God doesn't compromise or change his values. And he definitely doesn't have mood swings. 

Thinking about this deeper reminds me that life's uncertainties may shake me, upset me, change me, but the Rock of Ages, our God, Jesus does not move. His strength will sustain us through the times of change. 

Like the verse above, there is a time and a season for everything under heaven. 

For those of you who don't know this, I absolutely love the season of fall/autumn. I think there is such a beauty in it. The leaves and grass which were green and lush all summer now began to lighten to yellows, oranges, browns and reds. They fall to the ground as we prepare ourselves for winter, yet another season. I went on a beautiful walk with my husband and son last night and just reflected on so many changes in my life this past year. 

I thank God for his sovereignty in my life, his faithfulness despite my mistakes, and his constant love which stays the same through all the ages. I am blessed to be a daughter of the most high King. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Crazy Month of August

August was such a busy month for the Doner family and especially for little Isaac. With two trips to Vancouver Island, a week in the States, and a long weekend in Northern Alberta for my sister in laws wedding, it was quite the month. I can definitely say it's a blessing for September to be here. 

For the past four summers some of my closest girlfriends and I go to Sylvan Lake for one weekend. It's been a tradition and we hope to keep it up for many years. This year was a little bit different since I'm now a mother, so I only went for one day but still had such a great time with these girls. I honestly don't know where I'd be without them in my life. 

This is my best friend Candace and I at dinner in the town of Sylvan. 

This is my sweet Isaac and I at the beautiful pacific ocean.

On Peter's week of holidays we decided to do a family road trip to Vancouver Island. It was a lot of driving for such a little guy, but we took stops when we needed to. One of Isaac's favorite things is his lamb skin, given to us by a dear friend Nadine at my baby shower. Isaac loves to cuddle with it, lay on it, and sleep on it. So at the Ferry Terminal we took him out and he just chilled in the back seat!

Peter and I both had the privilege of being in a wedding party of our friends Nick and Gemma this summer. It was so great to celebrate with them and to be able to walk down the aisle together. I think it brought back memories of our wedding which was really special.

And to finish off our month we drove up to Grande Prairie for Peter's sisters wedding. I got to meet one of peters cousins and aunts which was a blessing. A lot of people who are important to us got to meet Isaac for the first time too. 

Isaac got all dressed up for the wedding too, he is such a handsome boy!

All in all it was a CRAZY and busy month, but we are thankful for all the friends and family we were able to spend it with. 

I can now say that as September is already well on it's way I'm trying to slow things down for our family and start to get Isaac on a schedule.

I can't believe summer is almost over, but the more I think about it I'm really looking forward to the beautiful season of Autumn. Leaves of many colors will fall, I can start sipping hot chocolate, cozying up on the couch with my boys, wearing hoodies, and maybe even go snowboarding this winter!